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Big Brutes tackling sugar cane industry in Queensland

Posted 4th December 2017 by James Williams

Mackay Sugar Limited’s Racecourse Mill in Mackay, Queensland is using a Big Brute Suck & Dump Industrial Vacuum Cleaner for cleaning out one of their sugar cane processing facilities.

Mackay Sugar is Australia’s second largest sugar milling company and operates four sugar processing mills in northern Queensland. The process of converting sugar cane into raw sugar involves a lengthy process and creates a large amount of excess waste including coal, ash and baggase, the pulpy, fine matter that remains after sugarcane is crushed.

We were contacted by Mackay Sugar’s Racecourse Mill for an industrial vacuum cleaner with the capacity to remove all of the above waste materials. The Racecourse Mill has a production capacity of 1.7 million tonnes of cane and is their second largest capacity facility.

We recommended a tailored Big Brute Suck Dump & Wet & Dry Flat Base Industrial Vacuum Cleaner. This model is fully movable on its 4 castor wheels to move around their factory as required and is emptied by lifting the machine with a forklift to its discharge point. Being a 600mm Wide Complete Empty Out option meant that all light and fluffy material such as their sugar cane bullets and baggase would be completely emptied safely and easily with a forklift meaning no heavy lifting was involved.

The Racecourse Mill was also sucking up large sugar cane bullets, which the Big Brute can handle with ease.

Baggase which has fallen off a conveyor belt which needed to be cleaned up by 15 meters of Big Brute suction hose.

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