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Clean swarf, oils and coolants from in and around industrial machinery with the Big Brutes

Whether you’re making small, precision-engineered components or milling presses to make car panels, your machinery produces a lot of oily swarf that has to be removed.

The Big Brute Swarfman was designed specially for vacuuming up the swarf, oils and coolants that need to be removed from your machinery, filtering out larger lumps for easy disposal.

The Big Brute Wet & Dry range will also not only cope with oily swarf (or swarfy oil) but can turn their hands to general cleaning of dust, dirt and grit around your workshops.

If you need to recover large quantities of oils or coolants, the Big Brute SOS Oil Vac does this quickly and easily. Four stages of filtration remove swarf and fines, pumping our your clean coolants for reuse or recycling.

CNC metal milling machine at work producing swarf

Whatever industrial machinery you have, we’ve got a Big Brute that can help

Big Brute Swarfman Industrial Vacuum Cleaner
Big Brute Swarfman

Swarf Vacuum Cleaner The Swarfman has been designed to handle heavy swarf chippings and liquids at the rate of approximately a gallon a…

From £4309.00 +VAT

7 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Big Brute Suck & Pump Industrial Vacuum Cleaner
Big Brute Suck & Pump

The Big Brute Suck and Pump is ideal for recovering liquids that you want to store, process or recycle. It sucks up liquids…

From £7698.00 +VAT

28 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Big Brute Wet and Dry Industrial Vacuum Cleaners
Big Brute Suck & Dump Flat Base – Wet & Dry

The Big Brute Suck & Dumps are ideal for safely emptying heavy, free-flowing waste into high-sided skips or hoppers, without the need for…

From £5096.00 +VAT

14 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Big Brute Suck & Dump Wet & Dry Cone Base Industrial Vacuum Cleaner
Big Brute Suck & Dump Cone Base – Wet & Dry

The Big Brute Suck & Dumps are ideal for safely emptying heavy, free-flowing waste into high-sided skips or hoppers, without the need for…

From £5925.00 +VAT

14 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Big Brute Skip Tip Wet & Dry Industrial Vacuum Cleaner
Big Brute Skip-Tip – Wet & Dry

No more heavy lifting! The Big Brute Skip Tip makes it safe and easy to tip dry or liquid waste out into skips…

From £5884.00 +VAT

10-14 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Big Brute Multi-Lift Dry Industrial Vacuum Cleaner
Big Brute Multi-Lift – Dry

The Big Brute Multi-Lift is the ultra heavy-duty industrial vacuum cleaner. It’s designed for heavy industrial applications, such as swarf and grit. Please…

From £4519.00 +VAT

14 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Big Brute Multil Lift Heavy Duty Industrial Vacuum Cleaner
Big Brute Multi-Lift – Wet & Dry

The Big Brute Multi-Lift Wet & Dry is the ultra heavy-duty Big Brute. It’s designed for heavy industrial applications, such as oily liquids…

From £6921.00 +VAT

14 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Big Brute Leapfrog Wet
Big Brute Leapfrog – Wet & Dry

Use all the best features of the Big Brutes – massive power, excellent filtration and large-bore suction pipe – in a single, compact…

From £3734.00 +VAT

7 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Big Brute Leapfrog Wet
Big Brute Leapfrog – Wet Only

Use all the best features of the Big Brutes – massive power, excellent filtration and large-bore suction pipe – in a single, compact…

From £3554.00 +VAT

7 days dispatch
12 month warranty
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Watch the Big Brutes clean up industrial machinery

YouTube thumbnail for SE06cWj3RLA

Recycle cutting fluids, oils and coolants with the Big Brute Oil Vac

The Big Brute SOS Oil Vac makes recovering oils and coolants quick and simple.

It filters out the swarf and fines leaving just the oil or coolant. Pump it out into your own containers for re-use or recycling.

YouTube thumbnail for Q3Tjs6SCC2w

Recover waste oil with the Big Brute Wet & Dry

Recover oils from machinery, sumps and bunds with the Big Brute Wet & Dry.

Add a Big Brute Interceptor Lid to recover oils into your own drums to seal up for recycling or disposal.

YouTube thumbnail for 2C3WRaQRHdc

Fill your own drums with solid or liquid waste with the Big Brute Wet Interceptor

The Big Brute Wet & Dry with an Interceptor Lid fits any open-topped drum.

Suck up oils and coolants, along with the swarf and sludge, directly into your own drums for recycling or storage.

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