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Big Brutes In Agriculture

Whether you’re cleaning grain pits, grain stores or large warehouse floors, our Industrial Vacuum Cleaners clean everything around the farm.

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Deep cleaning in and around grain stores

Get that deep clean of your grain store done quicker and more easily with the Big Brute range of vacuum cleaners. The Big Brutes provide a big range of hand tools for cleaning all parts of your grain store and many difference options for safe and easy emptying.

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Big Brute Mole

Easily clean beneath drive-over drying floors and ducts with the Big Brute Mole.

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Easy Empty Lift Out Bag

Empty heavy loads from your Big Brute with the tough, re-usable Easy Empty Lift Out Bag. Rated to 150kg

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Bulk grain shifting

Shift grain at up to 2-tonnes per hour and empty quickly, easily and safely into your own high-sided skips or vessels.

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Big Brute Bulkmaster 1000

Clean up quickly and easily with the Big Brute Bulkmaster. Power it with an optional built-in Brute power unit, or connect it up to your Big Brute (either single- or 3-phase) to use as a massive-capacity interceptor.

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Big Brute Popular farm vacuum cleaner

The Big Brute Popular is the original farm vacuum cleaner that’s been helping farmers keep their grain stores clean for decades.

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Big Brute Warehouseman

Clean large floor areas quickly and without stirring up dust with the Big Brute Warehouseman Industrial Vacuum Cleaner.

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Big Brute Warehouseman floor brush and floor squeegee

The Big Brutes let you clean dry or wet floors with the Warehouseman Floor Brush and Floor Squeegee. Their all-metal construction give you tough, reliable cleaning, making it quick and easy to get your floors really clean.

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Combine cleaning with the Big Brute Suck & Blow

Clean down combines and their headers with the blasting power of the Big Brute Suck & Blow Industrial Vacuum Cleaners.

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Reach down into grain pits

The Big Brute Industral Vacuum Cleaners’ long hoses reach right down into deep grain pits.

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Grain Store Cleaning

Get right down into deep grain pits and up long tunnels with the Big Brute’s long hoses.

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