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The Big Brute “bursts on” to the scene!

Posted 24th March 2015 by James Williams

Burston Nurseries PLC, a family owned business established over 70 years ago, specialising in the production of quality bedding plants and roses. They called us to say

“We have enormous amounts of loose compost delivered on tipper lorries, when this product dries out it can become very dusty.”

They needed a solution that was going to be fast and effective at vacuuming these areas with very fine dust. We organised a demonstration of the machine at their premises to illustrate the awesome ability of the Warehouseman machine.

They purchased soon after the demonstration, Ewan MacMillan the Nursery Manager wanted to update us on its progress.

“The Big Brute is powerful enough to collect the dust without stirring it up and creating an airborne hazard. The results within the greenhouses will only be seen next season but we are confident that the Warehouseman has removed most if not all weed seed form our growing areas.”

“The Warehouseman is so easy to use, it is plug and play, the fact that it is so easy means that the machine is being used without me nagging the staff to use it.”

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