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Whatever your industry, whatever you want to clean up – there’s a Big Brute for you

Dry Only icon Dry Only

For dry waste only, such as dust, dirt, grit, wood dust and shavings – have a look at the range of Big Brutes that will take this on.

Wet and Dry iconWet and Dry icon Wet + Dry

If you need to clean up dry waste, such as dust and grit, but also tackle wet waste, such as puddles, spills, drains and gullies, there’s a range of Wet & Dry Big Brutes for you.

Wet Only icon Wet Only

If you’re only ever going to tackle liquid waste, and the sludge that comes with it, such as oils, coolants, or even floodwater, there’s a range of Wet Only Big Brutes for you.

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